Part of a twice-a-year routine, Teeth Cleaning is the removal of dental plaque from teeth, in order to prevent cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontitis, and Teeth Polishing is a dental technique that leaves the enamel of your teeth shiny and smooth.
Your bi-annual Teeth Cleaning and Polishing at Hamamoto Dentistry entails more than just scraping, polishing, and flossing. During the process, each patient is assessed individually to determine the optimum treatment for their periodontal (gum) health.
The benefits of Regular Dental Cleanings and Polishings
The benefits of cleaning teeth are numerous. By keeping your teeth clean, you significantly reduce the chances of cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis, and more severe forms of gum disease. Not to mention it will go a long way towards halting bad breath.

Prophylaxis is the term for the procedure of cleaning teeth, which can be defined as scaling and polishing to eliminate coronal plaque, calculus, and stains above the gums. The goal of cleaning and polishing is to leave the surfaces of your teeth clean and smooth so bacteria can't stick to them, making it easier to maintain your teeth clean at home. For patients who have a healthy mouth with no gum or bone concerns, we call it good maintenance.
Dental cleanings involve removing plaque (soft, sticky, bacteria-infested film) and tartar (calculus) deposits that have built up on the teeth over time. The hygenist will use hand instruments and a polishing cup to remove both the hard and soft build-up from your teeth.
Patients with bone loss, periodontal disease, or infection around their teeth can have further operations. Regular/standard cleaning is not the best form of cleaning for you if you have tooth mobility, bleeding, receding areas where your gums have pulled away from your teeth, or gaps where the spaces surrounding the roots of your teeth are exposed.
Prophylaxis is advised twice a year as a prophylactic strategy, while periodontitis patients should have it done every 3-4 months. Though gum disease cannot be totally cured, prophylaxis is one of the most effective ways to slow its progression.
Do I Need X-Rays?
When it comes to preventing periodontal disease, routine digital radiography scans have taken the place of old film X-Rays and can be highly helpful during an examination. These digital scans reveal the extent of bone and gum recession, as well as assisting the dentist in identifying areas that may require additional treatment in the future.
How Long Between Visits is Routine?
Patients who require regular cleanings should have one every six months. Patients who require more frequent cleanings due to periodontal disease should have one every three to four months.