Dental Crowns

A Dental Crown refers to the restoration of teeth using materials that are fabricated by indirect methods which are cemented into place. A Dental Crown is used to cap or completely cover a tooth.

A Dental Crown is a highly effective therapy for restoring a tooth that has been damaged in some way, and it has a number of advantages over the alternatives.

At Hamamoto Dentistry, we use Dental Crowns to treat a number of oral health problems. Dental crowns can be used to restore a broken tooth or to improve the appearance of your teeth in a variety of natural-looking ways.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a good remedy for a variety of dental issues. They have the ability to:

Dental Crown - Hamamoto Dentistry - Bothell WA Dentist
  • Support a tooth that has suffered extensive decay
  • Protect a worn-down tooth from further deterioration
  • Protect a tooth after root canal treatment
  • Keep a severely cracked or shattered tooth together
  • Cover a dental implant
  • Change the form or color of a tooth to improve its look

When compared to alternative dental restoration treatments or no treatment at all, dental crowns have a high success rate. Various scientific studies that looked into their utilization have backed this up.

How are Dental Crowns Made

Today, Dental Crowns are constructed as ceramic-on-metal or as an all-ceramic crown that can be used on front teeth without looking like it was ever restored.

After preparing your tooth for a crown, a digital impression of the tooth will be taken, and a temporary crown will be constructed and cemented into place.

After we review the impression, we'll send it digitally to our dental laboratory, where the crown is created over the next two weeks before being modified and cemented.

How Long Will a Dental Crown Last?

While crowns and bridges can last a lifetime, they do sometimes come loose or fall out. The most important step you can take to ensure the longevity of your crown or bridge is to practice good oral hygiene. In addition:

  • A bridge can lose its support if the teeth or bone holding it in place are damaged by dental disease.
  • Keep your gums and teeth healthy by brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing daily.
  • See your dental care team at Hamamoto Dentistry regularly for checkups and professional cleanings.
  • To prevent damage to your new crown or bridge, avoid chewing hard foods, ice, or other hard objects.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Stefanie Hamamoto

Are you looking for a dentist in the Bothell-Canyon Park area?
Give Dr. Stefanie and Hamamoto Dentistry a call at (425) 488-1480

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